Advertise Your Business in Facade!



Facade magazine is the voice of historic preservation in Northeast Ohio. Published since 1972, each issue spotlights significant preservation projects across the region. Compelling narratives and stunning photographs capture the stories of the people and places that contribute to our cultural heritage. The biannual publication details the projects that are underway to help preserve our architectural fabric and celebrate the history of our legacy city.

Advertising opportunities are now available for the Spring 2024 issue of Facade. Your advertisement will reach nearly 1,000 subscribers and prospective clients who care about historic preservation, including members of the Cleveland Restoration Society, Heritage Home Program participants, and corporate, cultural and non-profit community partners. Ad specs and prices are as follows:

Full Page 7” wide x 10” high = $700

Half Page 7” wide x 5” high = $500

Quarter Page 3.5” wide x 5” high = $300

Full color/no bleeds/high res PDF or JPG

The deadline to submit ads for the Spring 2024 issue of Facade is March 15th 2024. Please send your inquiries and artwork (full color, high resolution PDF or JPEG) to Margaret Lann at

Your Donation Amount

Total amount:

To donate by mail, send a check to:

The Cleveland Restoration Society
Sarah Benedict House
3751 Prospect Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44115

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