Note: CRS’s membership fees have increased as of January 2024
Since 1972, the Cleveland Restoration Society (CRS) has been working to save, reuse, and celebrate landmarks in our community. One of the largest professionally staffed, private preservation organizations in the country, CRS has set a national standard for innovative and effective local preservation programs.
Preservation fosters diversity and openness. It is good for the economy and good for the community. But it takes a commitment to our city and its landmark buildings to see real results. Preservation relies upon:
- Dedicated architects who care about the inherent qualities of a building.
- Meticulous craftsmen who will be gentle with our older structures and use the best quality work to restore them.
- Creative developers who have the vision, the commitment and the wherewithal to see a project through.
- A sustainability community who sees the reuse of our existing building stock as the ultimate opportunity for recycling.
- Homeowners who go the extra mile to value the originality of their homes and keep them in good working order.
- Consumers willing to shop locally and support our Main Streets.
- People like you. Please join us.